Emergency management is a growing field and outlook in the field is positive. With both private organizations and public agencies recognizing the need for emergency managers, more and more degree programs with a primary focus on the Emergency Management occupation are entering the higher education landscape. Currently, there are more than 180 degree programs that focus specifically on Emergency Management offered by more than 100 different reputable colleges and universities, but many of these programs are master’s programs. As you have learned while you have been researching degree programs, many master’s degree programs require that you earn a Bachelor’s degree in an related field as a prerequisite before you can get accepted into graduate school. Read on and learn what types of Bachelor’s degrees are best suited if you are planning on pursuing a Master’s in a field like Emergency Management.
Emergency Management: The Perfect Candidates Have a Balance Between Education and Experience
Earning an emergency management degree will help you in a competitive job environment, but make sure that you take the time to get the educational experience and the work experience that you need to compete against other applicants. Emergency management is a very unique field, and you will acquire a lot of the skills that you need in school, but you need to show that you are able to handle yourself in a disaster or emergency situation if you want to be bumped up on the list of applicants. The first step to get your resume noticed by recruiters is to gain college-level academic skills by enrolling in a Bachelor’s degree program. Once you do this, you can find an entry-level position in Emergency Management or as an assistant to directors, disaster specialists, and program analysts.
What Type of Bachelor’s Degree Program Will Prepare You?
All Master’s degree programs in Emergency Management that are offered by accredited schools have a requirement that the student must possess a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited school in order to have their application for admissions reviewed. If you are aspiring to become a policymaker in the government, or you want to be an Emergency Management Director in the private sector, you will need a Master’s degree. With more and more degree programs being designed specifically for Emergency Management, you can locate BS degree programs in Emergency Management that will satisfy the MS program requirements.
Resource: Top 10 Best Online Emergency Management Degree Programs
A Bachelor’s degree in areas of business and management may also satisfy the Bachelor’s degree prerequisite if you can demonstrate that you have professional experience in the field to satisfy the work experience requirements. Keep in mind that the specific requirements can vary from school to school. Make sure you meet all of the prerequisite requirements before you start filling out applications, and compare both traditional and online programs so that you know all of your options.
Emergency management is a field that changes day to day, and many people like the unpredictable nature of the job. There are opportunities all over the country, and the demand for Emergency Managers and Directors is predicted to grow by 13% in the next 7 years for candidates who possess a Master’s degree. Start on the right educational path, earn your degree, gain the experience, and do something that is fulfilling and rewarding.