When getting an emergency management degree minors provided by the school could be a great complement to the overall education. When you are looking to choose a minor to complement the degree, there are several in particular that could help you get a more well-rounded education and appear more qualified to potential employers.

Law Enforcement

The first minor that could help to complement your emergency management degree would be law enforcement. When getting an emergency management degree minor focus in law enforcement will help to provide someone with the education to work in law enforcement after graduate. Emergency management majors are frequently hired by national law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and Homeland Security to complete a wide range of jobs. Those that get a minor in law enforcement will receive the basic education necessary to ensure that they will be able to start working in a law enforcement role.

Nursing or EMT

Another great minor that would complement an emergency management degree would be nursing or emergency medicine. Emergency management professionals are often hired by hospitals and other emergency services to ensure that people are take care of in the event of an emergency. Those that are looking to advance their career in this field should also try to get some form of a medical background. Some of the best minors that go along with an emergency management degree include nursing and EMT training, which will give anyone some basic medical training. This can allow someone to be certified to perform CPR and could help to ensure that they will be prepared to take care of an injured person during an emergency.

Business or Accounting

Another minor that would benefit someone that is getting a degree in emergency management would be business or accounting. Many emergency management professionals are hired by private companies, which then provide emergency services to local communities or corporations. These companies are just like any other business is that they will have to manage their books and accounting. If you have an education background in accounting or finance, you will have the basic knowledge necessary to handle the company’s books. This will make you a very attractive hire, particularly to those companies that want someone to be able to complete both the emergency management tasks and the accounting services.


For those that are looking to advance their career, getting a minor in management or leadership will be a good complement to having an emergency management degree. When taking management and leadership courses, you will learn the basic skills necessary to manage individuals and lead groups of people. Those that have a degree or minor in one of these fields will have a much better chance of ultimately getting a management position at a hospital or private company that provides emergency management services.

In conclusion, getting an emergency management degree could be a great education option. When getting an emergency management degree minor options provided by the school could end up being a great complement, which will help to make anyone’s overall education more well-rounded.

Check out “Top 10 Best Online Emergency Management Degree Programs 2014” to learn more about what degrees are offered.