Students looking for Emergency Management Degrees in Alaska will find that, although they are not plentiful, the Emergency Management Degree at the University of Alaska Fairbanks is listed with some of the better programs in the country. The degree originated from a proposal written in 2007 in response to increasing Homeland Security concerns, and the program is one of the most popular among incoming freshmen. The University of Alaska Fairbanks has a student body of more than 10,000. Eighty-eight percent of the students are underclassmen. Because there is a focus on educating Alaskan citizens and dealing with native issues, all students at the school take studies in native heritage and politics.

University of Alaska at Fairbanks

School of Management, Emergency Management Program

The US News and World Report ranking of the University of Alaska is not published. The Emergency management program, however, is listed as a “bonus” program just under the list of top ten emergency management programs in the US compiled by Emergency Management Services .Org. The program is in response to public demand with increased interest in Homeland Security. Class size at the University of Alaska is small; the student-to-faculty ratio is 11:1. All degree programs at this university require native politics and culture classes. Tuition is figured according to the number of courses taken and their level. Lower- level resident undergraduate classes are $174 per credit and upper-level classes are $210 per credit.

Bachelor of Emergency Management

This is a relatively new degree that seeks to marry the skills and knowledge of the Associate of Applied Science degree in Emergency Services with a business administration degree. Graduates of this program will be prepared to become administrators and coordinators in fire departments and other emergency response services. The degree consists of 120 to 121 credits. Of those, 33 credits must come from the university emergency services courses, including a required internship. Students must complete general university requirements as well as 40 credits in business and 15 credits in leadership. At least 39 credits must come from upper level courses (300 or higher). Students must also take two upper level writing intensive courses and one oral communication class.
Association for the Accreditation of Collegiate Schools of Business
School of Management
University of Alaska Fairbanks
505 South Chandalar Drive
Fairbanks, AK 99775

Today’s reality is that there are threats from outside countries and organizations that demand preparedness in addition to the need to be ready for natural disasters. This focus on security has led to an increased need for coordinators and administrators. This article is intended as a tool to use in selection of programs. Students considering Emergency Management Degrees in Alaska should go to the school website for more detailed information.

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