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The editors at Emergency Management Degrees decided to research the topic of: 5 New Technologies to Manage a Zombie ApocalypseLet's face it -the threat of a Zombie Apocalypse is more imminent than ever before. If you want to survive it's important to be up to date on the latest survival technologies. Here are five new technologies that could save your life! Nusura Simulation Deck- Prepares organizations for the pressure of social media in an emergency (like a Zombie Apocalypse.) - Simulates social media reactions to emergency announcements. - Emulates popular social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. - Created by a former Deputy Public Affairs Officer at FEMA. - Vibrant Response 13 training exercise. - US Army exercise which simulated a nuclear attack - Took place in Kentucky and Indiana - Involved over 9000 military and civilians - Simulation Deck provided a realistic simulation to the social internet environment in the wake of a crisis Intellistreets- Smart streetlights - Designed by Ron Harwood -former lighting designer for Disney World, Godiva and Niketown. - Developed in response to the street-level chaos on 9/11/2001 - Features - Detects changes in surroundings such as floodwaters, vehicle impacts or passing zombies. - Digital signage can display information such as escape routes and survival tips. - Emergency call buttons allow civilians to contact emergency services. - Communicate wirelessly. - Can be retrofitted to existing lights. - Reduces energy consumption by 70% compared to traditional street lights so they can last longer on emergency power if mains are cut off. - Implemented at Chicago's Navy Pier, Auburn Hills, MI, and at Sony Pictures in Culver City, CA iDAWG- Restores network services for cell phones and emergency services when cut off. - Developed at Syracuse University's School of Information Studies - Networks are created as devices connect to one another, similar to ad-hoc networking. - Connects using groundbreaking Edgeware technology. - Securely captures and shares transmissions on various bands by repeating the signal. - Devices can connect to iDAWG using Edgeware applications. - Communicates with most bands including emergency services, cellular and WiFi. - Compatible with FEMA's Integrated Public Alerts and Warning System. - Funded by the National Science Foundation Partnerships for Innovation Program. - Zombies can't use cell phones. Reddit and the Boston Bombings- In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, members of the website Reddit analyzed thousands of crowdsourced images in search of the identities of the bombers - Many credit the timely capture of the bombers to contributions of the Redditors. - Not without controversy: - Brown University student Sunil Tripathi was misidentified by Reddit as one of the Boston Bombers - Tripathi later committed suicide - Reddit's general manager apologized for the "dangerous speculation" that lead to Tripathi's death - Are the benefits of crowdsourcing worth the risks? - Could be useful in locating the source of the Zombie infestation. Google Public Alerts optimizes search results to display the most relevant information during an emergency. - Google Person Finder helps people reconnect with loved ones in the wake of disasters - Toshiko Ayano found 5 relatives following the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 - Custom Google Maps can be created to share information in a crisis such as tactical maps of Zombie infestation zones. SOURCES- - - -,2817,2417892,00.asp - ![]() |